Hey All,
After a slow start, I Heart Blank has started moving hosting accounts to its new server! I'm hoping to finish this process in the next couple on months.
Why the new server?
The old hosting server was getting a little out of date, and getting updates installed on both WHM and cPanel were getting harder.
The new server is waaaayyy faster and has the most updated versions for WHM and cPanel for you to use (as well as a bunch of backend features to make sure the hosting runs smooth)!
Here's what's happening
The backup and restore process is pretty simple and straight forward. I backup the entire cPanel (hosting account) from the old server and 'restore' it to the new one. Then I point your domain at the new server. There is typically minimal downtime (maybe 5 minutes).
I have transferred about 1/3 of the hosting accounts all ready. So you might all ready be on the new server!
For hosting accounts that have 'local' email address (not Google Workplace or Office 365) and/or e-commerce sites:
I will be transferring these sites after hours to minimize any downtime and make sure you don't lose any emails.
Final thoughts
If a hosting account is a little more complicated, chances are I'll reach out to you to give you a heads up on when I'm doing it. There might even be a possibility we'll schedule the transfer to make sure nothing is lost.
This is a pretty routine procedure and there's a tiny chance anything goes wrong, but you know me, I like to cover all my bases.
If you're nervous about anything, have any questions, concerns or would like to make sure I 'schedule' your transfer; please feel free to contact me at admin@iheartblank.com or call (908) 509-1013.
Thursday, September 1, 2022