Upcoming "Out of Office" for I Heart Blank (September - October Edition)
Here are the dates that I Heart Blank will be closed in the upcoming months. I will have limited access to the internet. If you have an emergency during these times, please call or text (908) 509-1013:
- September 5th (Labor Day)
- September 16th
- October 21st
- October 27th - 31st
5th Sept 2022
Hosting Migration at I Heart Sites Is In Progress!
Hey All, After a slow start, I Heart Blank has started moving hosting accounts to its new server! I'm hoping to finish this process in the next couple on months. Why the new server? The old hosting server was getting a little out of date, and getting updates installed on both WHM and cPanel were getting harder. The new server is ... Read More »
1st Sept 2022